What is the GC Digital Research Institute (DRI)? 

A five day intensive bootcamp for computational research skills. Everyone starts with workshops on the command line, data literacy, preservation and management. We later convene with a session on project management and design. The DRI is 9:30am to 4.30pm synchronous on Zoom, Full attendance is required– you must let us know in advance if you cannot make a session.

Who is this for and what do I get out of it?

Motivated beginners– if you’re intermediate or beyond in languages such as Python or HTML this is not for you! You’ll get confidence in your ability to continue learning on your own, concepts and vocabulary to design your own projects.

What kind of computer do I need?

To access our DHRIFT Curriculum mapping software, it is recommended to have a computer with internet connectivity, a standard keyboard, and a web browser. Chrome and Firefox are the preferred browser choices. Tablets are not recommended for an optimal user experience due to ergonomic considerations.

If you need to loan a laptop from GCDI, please write to us at [email protected]

Working through Application:

Basic personal details: this must include GC email address. You’ll hear from us over the winter break– check your inbox! If you previously applied but were turned down we’ll take a generous look at your new application unless your skills are beyond that of the DRI.

Academic goals & research materials: we organize our curriculum based on participant needs. 

Solving a technical problem: How do you learn and problem solve? DRI is fast-paced and virtual so early and proactive troubleshooting is not only encouraged but expected in order to make the most of the sessions. 

Four-session commitment: The DRI’s sessions build on each other so participants must be able attend all four days.